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  2. MISERY For S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call Of Pripyat
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  4. How To Get Stalker Misery 2.1 Cheat Menu Working - YouTube

MISERY 2.2 RELEASED The MISERY Development Team (MDT) is celebrating the culmination of a three and a half year labor of love with the release of MISERY 2.2 for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat on September 23rd, 2017. We thank our fans for the overwhelming support and encouragement they have given the team. Finally, STALKER 2 is coming to both PC and Xbox Series X as a console launch exclusive. This marks the first time that STALKER has come to a console, which is no doubt exciting for Xbox fans.

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ
Corey Feldman Interview
Extra ending sequences

The ending you get is determined by actions you take over the course of the game. Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock an extra sequence of the ending you normally would not see:

    1. Get the 'Battle Systems Master' achievement.
    2. Get the 'Courier Of Justice' achievement.
    3. Get the 'Detective' achievement.
    4. Get the 'Friend Of Stalkers' achievement. Prevents ending #8.
    5. Get the 'Friend Of Duty' achievement. Prevents endings #6 and #9.
    6. Get the 'Friend Of Freedom' achievement. Prevents endings #5 and #9.
    7. Get the 'High Tech Master' achievement.
    8. Get the 'Kingpin' achievement. Prevents ending #4.
    9. Get the 'Man Of Balance' achievement. Prevents endings #5 and #6.
    10. Get the 'Mutant Hunter' achievement.
    11. Get the 'One Of The Lads' achievement.
    12. Get the 'Pioneer' and 'Research Assistant' achievements.
    13. Get the 'Trafficker Of Information' achievement.
    14. Get the 'Battle Systems Master' achievement, but not the 'High Tech Master' achievement.
    15. Get the 'High Tech Master' achievement, but not the 'Battle Systems Master' achievement.
    16. Do not kill Noah.
    17. Vano survives.
    18. Zulu survives.
    19. Strider survives
    20. Strelock survives.
    21. Finding out about the fate of Barge and Joker for Cardan. Allows the combination sequence for ending #1 and #7.
    22. Find all six documents in the X8 Lab.
    23. Restore the Gauss Rifle to operational. Changes the combination sequence for ending #1 and #7 to the best outcome.
    24. Find the Compass artifact for Beard.
    25. Leave on the choppers at end of game.
    26. Do not leave on the choppers. Prevents endings #1 through #25.
Easy money

Once technicians are friendly to you through quests, you can repair items for cheaper. If you bring back all the weapons and items you loot from ten people, you can repair, break them down (silencers and scopes), unload, and sell the ammo, weapons, and attachments for more money.

Early Vintar BC Sniper Rifle

Immediately after you start the game, go to the burnt farmstead. There is a burnt piece of wood leaning against the wall of the ruined house on the top right. Walk up it, and you can follow the roofs to the left to get a Vintar laying on the roof of the building on the far left.

See more resultsEarly Velez detector

When you start the game, try to get 6000 RU as soon as possible. Go to the Burnt Farmstead, and get the Vintar sniper rifle. Go to the pilot in Skadovsk, and ask him to take you to Yanov. When you get there, go to Kopachy. There are about eight Zombies here. Go to the back of the house, and snipe them with the Vintar. At the front of the house is a construction crane. Inside is a stash with a Velez detector. Take it, then have the pilot take you back to Skadosk. It will now be much easier to get artifacts to get money for better armor and upgrades.


When making your first trip through the Bloodsucker's lair with Grouse, you will exit through a tunnel. If you follow the tunnel the other direction, there is a stash containing Anabolic drugs, which are the earliest ones you can find. They will help against emissions. Use three Antibiotics during emissions to be immune. You can also get an Anabiotic at the cave northeast of the burnt farmstead after you kill the controller.

Downed UAV

At the northwest corner of the Jupiter map is a UAV crash in a crater. You can loot the computer and have Nitro decrypt it for you. It gives you the locations of the three stashes containing Strelok's notes which can be used to complete the 'Keeper of Secrets' achievement and also to acquire Strelok Lucky SGI5K, which is the best AR in the game because it can hold a silencer, m203, and all Susat scope models.

Marked By Zone side effect

After surviving three emissions, if you are in good health you can survive emissions without the aid of Anabolics due to the effects of using the drugs.

Extra Compass artifacts

Sometimes when you kill Noah, he will drop two Compass artifacts.

Defeating Bloodsuckers

Sometimes when fighting Bloodsuckers, if you sprint away and turn around they will follow you in a straight line. This makes it easy to hit them while they are invisible.

Easy 'Friend Of Duty', 'Friend Of Freedom', and 'Man Of Balance' achievements

It is possible to complete the 'Monolith Fighters' and 'Guarding the Bunker' quest without having the 'Friend Of...' achievement for either faction. Flint, Magpie, or Soroka must be turned into the appropriate faction you want to be friends with, but not get the achievement. This allows you to have that faction guard the scientist bunker, and recruit the Monolith fighters as well. The faction you want to assign those tasks to must have green (friendly) status towards you. If you still want to get the 'Man Of Balance' achievement, tell whoever about Flint, then sell the two required PDAs for either faction to Owl. You can still tell Gaunt about Flint. All this can be done without missing any quests, and you will still get your discounts from the Yanov merchants.


Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement:

    Battle Systems Master: Bring Cardan all three toolsets.
    Courier Of Justice: Successfully complete the 'Magpie/Flint/Soroka' quest line.
    Diplomat: Solve Mitay and Vano's quest lines without killing the bandits.
    Detective: Successfully complete the 'Missing Stalkers' quest line.
    Friend Of Stalkers: Successfully complete all Stalker related quests, including those required for One of the Lads.
    Friend Of Freedom: Tell Loki about Flint and give General Tachenko's and Morgan's PDA to him.
    Friend Of Duty: Tell Shulga about Flint and give General Tachenko's and Morgan's PDA to him.
    High Tech Master: Bring Nitro all three toolsets.
    Keeper Of Secrets: Give any information concerning Strelok to him.
    Kingpin (Unconfirmed): Successfully complete Stalker quests in favor of Sultan.
    Leadership: Recruit a full squad including, Zulu, Strider, Vanov, and Sokolov for the Pripyat Underground Mission.
    Marked by Zone: Survive three blowouts using Experimental Anabolic drugs.
    Man Of Balance: Sell General Tachenko's and Morgan's PDA to Owl.
    Mutant Hunter: Successfully complete all the mutant related quests given by Gaunt and Trapper. This includes Bloodsucker Lair, Bloodsuckers in the Swamp, Unknown Mutant Den (Burers), Wounded Chimera, and Nocturnal Chimera.
    One Of The Lads: Successfully complete Yanov and Skadovsk quest lines in favor of Stalker faction.
    Pioneer: Plant scanners in all anomalies and complete the 'Rotten Grove' quest.
    Research Assistant: Successfully complete all Scientists quests and deliver Oasis to them.
    Artifact Hunter: Collect one of each artifact in the game, this includes, compass, oasis, wheel, and spiral.
    Seasoned Stalker: Visit every anomaly in the game, and certain points of interest.
    Trafficker Of Information: Sell Owl any nine pieces of information.
    Wealthy: Collect 100,000 RU during the game.

MISERY is very, very, very, very, very hard. Partly because you’re broke, your equipment is broken and you can’t see in the dark. Join us as we take our fifth and final deep-dive into the murky and unforgiving world of MISERY.

Hey! Listen! The writer of this article has an affinity for the weird and wonderful games most people haven’t heard of, the mods thereof, and the platforms they run on. He hates sports games and is allergic to online multiplayer. Since he is British, his body is about 60% tea.

“Money’s Too Tight To Mention…”

One of the most challenging aspects of MISERY is its brutal economy. The lore of MISERY states that Ukraine is in the midst of a major recession. Resources are scarce, and what is available is extremely expensive, probably due to hyper-inflation.

This has made people desperate, and thus willing to risk The Zone in an attempt to get rich quick. However, the situation inside The Zone is even worse, and many find that simply earning enough to avoid dying from dehydration or starvation is a major challenge. If there is anyone getting rich off of the Zone, it isn’t you.

Everything in MISERY has a cost, and that cost is high. Food, water, anti-rad medication, bandages, and Med-kits all cost an arm and a leg. Weapons in particular cost a fortune, so don’t expect to be wielding some high-tech 21st century death dealer from the start. If you are lucky you may start out with a rusty old pistol and a worn double barrel sawn off shotgun, with less than ten rounds of ammo for each. Buying more ammo will also cost a small fortune, so you will have to pick your battles and make every shot count.

These items can be purchased from traders, but you can expect to get ripped off every time you do. You can also expect to be fleeced when selling items to them. What they buy from you for 300 ru they may well sell for 30,000 ru. Buy low sell high as they say.

MISERY’s economy forces you to become self-sufficient. It is usually far more economical to scavenge food, drink, ammo, medicinals and equipment etc. than it is to buy them. The same goes for weapons and suits. Unfortunately, most gear you can scavenge is low tier and in bad condition – most stalkers and bandits are just as poor and desperate as you are. You can get a technician to repair them for you, but it is usually more economical to do it yourself in the field via cleaning and repair kits. More thorough repairs can be made by cannibalising parts from other weapons and using them to repair your weapon via a work bench. Once you have gotten your gear into a decent condition it is wise to maintain it. The cost of repairs is near logarithmic. What may cost a few hundred roubles to fix when it is at 90% condition may take a few thousand when it is near 50%, and possibly over 10,000 roubles if you let it get down to 10%. ‘A stich in time saves nine…thousand roubles.’

In short, never pass up an opportunity to save money.

Leave No Stone Unturned

Effective scavenging requires a looter’s mind-set. You will need to check every stash, open every cupboard, smash every crate and search every corpse – both friend and foe alike. You will have to be careful not to get shot in the back of the head or bit in the ass whilst doing this of course.

You will also need to maximise your money-making potential at every opportunity. Items that may not be of use to you right now could be stashed in case you need them later. Alternatively, they can be broken down for useful parts or they can be sold to traders and NPCs. Looted suits – which are often too heavy and bulky to be carried, can be disassembled into their constituent parts – unless you are planning on wearing it yourself of course. Dead mutants can be skinned and their meat and organs harvested. Cooked meat fetches a higher price from most stalkers and traders since they will sell it on as food. Scientists will be more interested in organs for their scientific research. Skins can be worn over suits and armour as a poor-man’s upgrade.

In short, nothing should be wasted.

Tricks Of The Trade

Assuming you are paying attention, you will get to know the tricks of the trade to both minimise costs and maximise profits.

You will already know that you need a detector to obtain artefacts from anomaly fields, but you will also learn the best times to go anomaly diving to ensure you get to the artifact before an NPC beats you to it.

You will work out that trader A will pay more for item X than others, but trader B will pay more for item Y etc.

You will learn what items have the best value to weight/bulk ratio and thus should be prioritised whilst looting.

You will also discover that you need to ‘speculate to accumulate’. Some items are ‘wealth creators’ and should be purchased as soon as possible. For example, what knife will allow you to skin the widest range of mutants, what type of tool will allow you to disassemble the largest range of items, and what you will need to cook meat over a camp fire – which will save you money as you will no longer have to buy the charcoal or butane gas needed for the other cooking methods.

Before performing any action or undertaking any task you will have to run a quick cost-benefit analysis in your head. For example, before taking on an assignment you should balance its reward against the cost of equipment and supplies you may need to purchase and expend to complete it. The profit margin might be razor thin, and if you have to use a med-kit, bandages or anti-rad it may result in a net loss if you then need to purchase replacements for what you used up.

Ammo too is expensive, and the value of the items you get from a looted NPC or skinned mutant might well be less than the value of the rounds used to dispatch them. Therefore, you will have to pick your targets carefully and use ambush to defeat them in the quickest possible time, taking the least amount of damage whilst expending the least amount of ammo you can get away with. You may find you are forced to use less effective, but less expensive ammo on lesser threats so that you still have some higher tier ammo left for when you really need it. Spraying and praying is not an option, and ‘you never go full auto!’


You’re Just Going Through a Phase

Something else that is very expensive are Night Vision Goggles. These are pretty much mandatory if you are planning on venturing out after dark, since active illumination – i.e. headlamps and your wind-up torch will give your position away, and stumbling around in the dark blind will get you killed very quickly. Their cost means you will have to save up for them, and you will simply have to avoid night time adventuring until you have got them. But once you have got them it is a game changer.

And this is a perfect example of Misery’s ‘soft’ progression system. It is a ‘soft’ system in that there is little in the game which is a hard ‘stop’. By ‘Hard Stop’ I mean “You may not do X until you have gone to Y and done Z”. In theory, you could start making a bee line for the CNPP on day one, it is simply highly unlikely you would make it with your starting equipment. A play through of MISERY generally consist of three phases (assuming you don’t die first of course)

See Full List On

‘Hobo Phase’

The first phase is the ‘Hobo phase’, and it is in this phase that your ‘Average Ivan’ avatar will start out their Zone adventuring. You will be equipped with only the most basic equipment, such as a wind-up flashlight, a ratty leather jacket, a cloth to cover your mouth, a small knife and a worn-out Makarov pistol with a few rounds in the mag. If the Slavic Gods have been kind you might also get a rusty and barely functional sawn-off shot gun, and a shell or two to put in it! You might even get a med-kit and a bandage if you are really lucky. What’s more, your starting funds will be somewhere between ‘hardly any’ and ‘pretty much F-all’.

You may also start with enough food and water to last you about twelve hours. This lack of sustenance introduces a ‘soft’ time limit. You will need to ensure you have scavenged enough to eat and drink before thirst and starvation kick in, or made enough money to purchase clean food and water from a trader. This will force you to take risks in order to make money. If you play it too safe you may end up starving to death. That said, unlike many survival games, starvation and thirst are unlikely to kill you on their own. However, they will render you so weak that you will be unable to escape danger. The Zone’s many hazards will surely finish you off quickly if you get into this state.

The hobo phase involves balancing the need to make enough money to eat and drink whilst also saving and scavenging enough to upgrade or replace your gear. You will have to plan every action carefully and avoid dangerous situations as much as possible. The areas of the Zone you can reasonably expect to survive in will be very limited. Purchasing an item will probably leave you broke, so you will then have to start saving again. Learning how to repair scavenged items will definitely help here as it is far more economical. Eventually you will have decked out your ‘Average Ivan’ with a gas mask, a half-decent CBRN suit, a head lamp, an artifact and anomaly detector, a Lead Lined Metal Container, a shotgun, pistol and a reliable rifle, ammo for all three, a few med kits and bandages, some anti-rad pills plus enough clean food and water so that starvation and thirst are no longer immediate concerns. Congratulations, you have now entered what I call the ‘Explorer phase’.

‘Explorer Phase’

You will now be able to explore the Zone more freely. Areas that were essentially ‘off-limits’ due to mutants, NPCs and radiation can now be explored. Low level background radiation will no longer be a problem as you will be protected from it, and you will have the weaponry and ammo to deal with most mutants and hostile NPCs you may encounter. So long as you do not go out looking for trouble and avoid the most dangerous areas you should be ok – assuming you keep your wits about you and don’t get cocky or lazy that is.

You can even start anomaly diving to retrieve artifacts. The explorer phase is when you will start to make half decent money, as you will be able to take on higher-risk higher-reward assignments, and you will not have to spend all your savings on getting the next essential item. The items you do have should be in good condition by now, and as we saw it is far less costly to maintain working equipment than to repair equipment that is broken. High end upgrades, high end suits, high-end Night Vision and high-end weapons are still painfully expensive, so you will still have to save up to get them. And get them you must if you want to progress on to…

‘Offensive Phase’

The ‘Offensive’ Phase is when you go out looking for trouble. It is also the phase were you deliberately penetrate the most dangerous areas of The Zone which you had previously (wisely) given a wide berth. If you now have high end NVGs you can start operating at night. This gives you an advantage over non-NVG’d NPCs, as their headlamps will make them easy to spot. If you also have a suppressed scoped rifle, such as the glorious AS VAL, you may now stand a chance of assaulting the most heavily defended areas of the Zone, such as the Bandit base in Dark Valley and the military base in Agroprom. The ultimate test is the assault on the ‘Brain Scorcher’. Here you will run the gauntlet against high levels of radiation, extremely dangerous high tier mutants such as Chimeras and more well-armed, well-armoured and well-positioned Monolith fighters than you can shake a diet sausage at. Even with the best gear in The Zone, a squad of friendly NPCs and as much ammo as you can carry this is still a punishingly difficult task.

We can see here how MISERY never lets up on either the level of challenge or the fear factor this creates. You will never get to the point where you feel invincible, or even comfortable. The odds will always be stacked against you, and MISERY did this without resorting to some auto-scaling difficulty BS ‘a la TES IV: Oblivion.

The Scores on the Doors


Deeply immersive. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is one of the most atmospheric games around for any platform, and MISERY based mods are more immersive still.

Truly frightening, and remains so throughout.

Extremely challenging if that is what you are looking for.

High skill ceiling – the learning curve is steep but rewarding.

Offers considerable freedom to do things how you see fit.

Refreshingly ‘Eastern European’: Offers a very different experience to most Western and Japanese games.

Seamlessly combines FPS, RPG and Survival Horror elements to create something greater than the sum of its parts. No other franchise does this quite like S.T.A.L.K.E.R.


PC only, so if you are an exclusively console gamer you are out of luck. Sorry.

It’s S.T.A.L.K.E.R., so it is janky AF, buggy and poorly optimised. (This has launched a thousand hilarious memes, however, so that’s something.) *2020 EDIT: Newer versions based on the 64Bit Open X-ray engine are far more stable and perform better.

Extremely challenging. If you are looking for a game to destress and unwind with, you will not find it here.

The number of things to learn and items to use can be overwhelming at first.

Not recommended for a first playthrough – MISERY is intended as an extra challenge for veteran S.T.A.L.K.E.R. players.

Some design decisions in some versions of MISERY are nonsensical. For example, in MISERY 2.2 you do not start with a lighter. You are not even able to purchase one until you are quite far into the game. Thus, you cannot light your anti-rad cigarettes and the like, which makes the game ‘artificially’ difficult. Who even goes camping without a lighter and matches, yet alone adventuring in a post-apocalyptic wasteland? (NB – this does not apply to the CoM based mods.)

So, would I recommend S.T.A.L.K.E.R. MISERY in any one of its many guises (Call of Misery, Last Day, Anomaly, Dead Air and Road To The North)? Yes, absolutely, just be aware of what you are letting yourself in for. It’s called MISERY for a reason 😉

Final Score: 9/10

Misery 2.2 ! :: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat General ...

MISERY For S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call Of Pripyat

Value for Money Score 9.5/10. Vanilla S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat can usually be picked up for under $15 / £15. After that the mods are free!

Controller Support? :: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow Of Chernobyl ...

In case you missed them, links to the first four entries in this article series can be found below:

How To Get Stalker Misery 2.1 Cheat Menu Working - YouTube

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